Thursday, June 20, 2013

Business Partners

Business Partners

  • Dr. Anthony Bryant - Dr. Bryant has been instrumental to the development and growth of our company. With his wealth of experience and funding expertise, we have been able to make shrewd business decisions. Like a steady rudder, Dr. Bryant has steered us in a positive and profitable direction that will yield dividends now and well into the future.

  • Frank Smith - of Sancor Industries, has provided a wealth of information in many aspects of sustainable design and construction. Frank and his company are on the leading edge, world wide, providing solutions to problems we all face - how to design and construct responsibly. His plumbing and gray-water re-circulation systems are far ahead of any other company. Real solutions for real world problems. 

  • David & Chris Simmons - of Steel Insulated Systems, have over 40 years of combined experience in residential construction. But the real worth of their experience comes in the sustainable solutions they offer. They offer Steel Insulated Panels which are not only hurricane resistant but give the highest insulating value of any exterior building system on the market. Their product gives every sustainable designer the ability to not just build faster and better but also more economically and environmentally responsible.

  • Will Siebert - Real Estate agent for Dave Lowe Realty in Mount Dora Florida. Will has provided market and product direction, that is not typical of real estate agents. His advise has given us vision in the past and we count on his relationship in all of our future endeavors.
So, besides those individuals already mentioned throughout this blog, the short list above, represent our brain-trust. Without these, our mission for all future ventures could not come to fruition.

So, to all of them, I say Thank You.

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